A lovely lady & a grumpy old man live here
Alcohol because no good story started with a salad
All guests must be approved by the dog
Always my grandma forever my friend
Beware of the affectionate dog
Dads know a lot but Grandads know everything
Don't count the days make the days count
Everything is better in your pyjamas
For instant happy woman just add wine
Friends forever & always
Home is where the dog hair sticks to anything but the dog
Home of a spoiled rotten cat
I don't get drunk I get awsome
I'm right he's wrong end of story
If Mum says No call Grandma
It's not really drinking alone if the dog is at home
Love covers most things chocolate does the rest
Men to the left because women are always right
My aim is to keep the bathroom clean
My cat walks all over me and leaves paw prints on my heart
One wine two wine three wine floor
Please remove your shoes but don't take better ones on the way out
Saw it liked it told gran & grandad got it
This family runs on LOVE LAUGHTER & plenty of wine